30 Years Later: Once Upon A Time In China II 黃飛鴻之二男兒當自強 (1992)

April 16, 1992, was a significant release date for not one but two of the most quintessential Hong Kong movies ever made. Those movies in question include Hard Boiled <辣手神探> and Once Upon A Time In China II <黃飛鴻之二男兒當自強>.

Continue reading 30 Years Later: Once Upon A Time In China II 黃飛鴻之二男兒當自強 (1992)

25 Years Later: Revisiting The Blade (1995)

Tsui Hark is no stranger to making mainstream wuxia movies, having famously revitalised the old-school genre itself in Zu: The Warriors From The Magic Mountain <新蜀山劍俠> (1983) and Once Upon A Time In China <黃飛鴻> (1991).

Continue reading 25 Years Later: Revisiting The Blade (1995)

25 Years Later: Revisiting The Blade 刀 (1995)

Tsui Hark is no stranger to making mainstream wuxia movies, having famously revitalised the old-school genre itself in Zu: The Warriors From The Magic Mountain <新蜀山劍俠> (1983) and Once Upon A Time In China <黃飛鴻> (1991).

Continue reading 25 Years Later: Revisiting The Blade 刀 (1995)