A Guilty Conscience 毒舌大狀 (2023) Review

At the time of writing, A Guilty Conscience <毒舌大狀> has already made HK$30 million and still counting at the Hong Kong box office, proving Dayo Wong’s hot streak continues since hitting the jackpot in Agent Mr Chan <棟篤特工> five years ago.

Continue reading A Guilty Conscience 毒舌大狀 (2023) Review

Sakra 天龍八部之喬峰傳 (2023) Review

Nearly two decades after Donnie Yen last co-directed with Barbara Wong in the unfunny action-comedy of Protege de la Rose Noire <見習黑玫瑰> in 2004, the martial arts superstar returns to the director’s chair in Sakra <天龍八部之喬峰傳>, a wuxia epic adapted from Jin Yong’s celebrated Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils novel.

Continue reading Sakra 天龍八部之喬峰傳 (2023) Review