30 Years Later: Once Upon a Time in China IV 黃飛鴻之四王者之風 (1993)

By the time the fourth Once Upon a Time in China <黃飛鴻> film arrived in cinemas back on June 10, 1993, the franchise has begin to show signs of wear and tear. Even the third film, which was screened nearly four months earlier, was largely seen as a weaker entry in the Jet Li-led trilogy.

Continue reading 30 Years Later: Once Upon a Time in China IV 黃飛鴻之四王者之風 (1993)

25 Years Later: Revisiting The Blade (1995)

Tsui Hark is no stranger to making mainstream wuxia movies, having famously revitalised the old-school genre itself in Zu: The Warriors From The Magic Mountain <新蜀山劍俠> (1983) and Once Upon A Time In China <黃飛鴻> (1991).

Continue reading 25 Years Later: Revisiting The Blade (1995)

25 Years Later: Revisiting The Blade 刀 (1995)

Tsui Hark is no stranger to making mainstream wuxia movies, having famously revitalised the old-school genre itself in Zu: The Warriors From The Magic Mountain <新蜀山劍俠> (1983) and Once Upon A Time In China <黃飛鴻> (1991).

Continue reading 25 Years Later: Revisiting The Blade 刀 (1995)