30 Years Later: Prison On Fire II 監獄風雲II逃犯 (1991)

(Disclaimer: This review contains spoilers)

It has been 30 years since the late Ringo Lam’s Prison On Fire II <監獄風雲II逃犯> was released back on June 22, 1991.

Continue reading 30 Years Later: Prison On Fire II 監獄風雲II逃犯 (1991)

5 Best Ringo Lam Movies

Over the last two days, the Hong Kong film industry and the world cinema in general have unfortunately lost Ringo Lam, the legendary Hong Kong auteur who reportedly died in his sleep at the age of 63. Although his last two movies in Wild City <迷城> (2015) and Sky On Fire <冲天火> (2016) were greeted with less-than-enthusiastic responses, it’s hard to deny that his filmmaking influence has inspired generations of other filmmakers around the world. Here are his five best movies that resonate me the most over the course of his decades-long career as a director.

Continue reading 5 Best Ringo Lam Movies