25 Years Later: Option Zero G4特工 (1997)

There was a time when Hong Kong cinema used to produce a series of action movies that mixes a cop genre with soap opera elements during the ’90s era.

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The Big Heat (1988) Review

This Tsui Hark-produced action thriller was better known for its troubled production history than the movie itself, with then-newcomer Andrew Kam (Yeung-Wa) originally helmed the picture before Johnnie To took over at some point (both of them shared the co-directing credit).

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The Big Heat 城市特警 (1988) Review

This Tsui Hark-produced action thriller was better known for its troubled production history than the movie itself, with then-newcomer Andrew Kam (Yeung-Wa) originally helmed the picture before Johnnie To took over at some point (both of them shared the co-directing credit).

Continue reading The Big Heat 城市特警 (1988) Review